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Round Brilliant Cut Diamond Princess Cut Diamond Emerald Cut Diamond Asscher Cut Diamond Pear Cut Diamond Radiant Cut Diamond Oval Cut Diamond Cushion Cut Diamond Heart Cut Diamond Marquise Cut Diamond Trillian Cut Diamond
Round Princess Emerald Asscher Pear Radiant Oval Cushion Heart Marquise Trillian

Just briefly


Features Facets L / W Ratio Origin Expert Tip
Square cut, however the most vibrant brilliance of all the square cut shapes, due it’s similar faceting of a Round Brilliant Cut. Usually 57 or 76 1.00-1.05 (square) > 1.05 (rectangular) Developed from barion & quadrillion cuts during the 70’s Ideal for long slender fingers and eternity bands. SI Clarity and better.


Princess Cut Diamonds are the square version of the Round Brilliant Cut consisting of the standard 57 facets or 76 facets with a typical ratio of 1.0 to 1.05. Cutting this pyramid shape is ideal for maintaining the maximum yield of a diamond crystal (Octahedron). Four sides are created and allows more light refraction than any other square cut diamond, making it an excellent choice for both engagement rings and wedding bands.

Princess Cut 1

This type of cut is patented, so it may be referred to as a ‘Square Modified Brilliant’ on a lab report (eg. GIA or AGS), or should you stone have a ratio over 1.05 it may be classed as a Rectangular Modified Brilliant.