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Round Brilliant Cut Diamond Princess Cut Diamond Emerald Cut Diamond Asscher Cut Diamond Pear Cut Diamond Radiant Cut Diamond Oval Cut Diamond Cushion Cut Diamond Heart Cut Diamond Marquise Cut Diamond Trillian Cut Diamond
Round Princess Emerald Asscher Pear Radiant Oval Cushion Heart Marquise Trillian

Just briefly


Unique Features Facets L / W Ratio Origin My Expert Tip
Signature trimmed edges, brilliant step cut. Usually 70 1.00-1.05 (square) >1.05-1.50 (rectangular) 1977 Hides most inclusions well.


The Radiant Cut is a unique and fusion cut comprised of usually seventy facets together with specific trimmed edges. Square-shaped Radiant cuts typically have ratios around 1.00 – 1.05 whereas rectangular Radiants may have ratios from over 1.05 up to 1.50. Its versatile configuration incorporates both the brilliance and depth of a round brilliant , an Emerald and a Princess cut making it one of the best options for all kinds of jewelry.

Radiant Cut 1

Because of its extra facets, the Radiant cut can distribute more light through the stone making it one of the most brilliant of all square and rectangular shaped stones. It can also hide some inclusions more efficiently than other shapes.
As it is a patented cut, it may be termed as a Cut-Cornered Square on a laboratory certificate (eg. GIA or AGS), or a Rectangular Brilliant if it has a ratio greater than 1.05.